Domain Names

What is a domain name?

A domain name is kind of like the street address listing at the post office. It tells interested parties where to find you. It designates where the files that make up your website are kept. Think long and hard about what domain name you would like for your website. There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a domain name. Rockford Web Works has linked to a really nice article on tips for choosing a domain name at this site: click here

Once you know what domain name you want…you still need to find out if it is available. We can help with that too. Contact Us and we will help you get started.

So you have found a domain name?

If all you want is a domain name you can purchase it through Rockford Web Works contact us today. But, just having that address is not enough. On the world wide web, the domain name is just any easy way for interested parties to tell their computer where the files that make up your website are at. You will also need a physical place to store those files, hosting. You will also need bandwidth to allow people to visit your stored files. It is kind of like having a long winding one lane dirt road leading to your Big Box Store. If ten thousand people show up on a one lane road, its going to be too slow…more bandwidth…wider road…more visitors.

That physical place your files are stored on is hosting on a server. Most small, medium and many large companies do not have that type of server. Nor do they have the internet bandwidth to handle the kind of traffic a website may generate. This is where shared hosting comes in. Rockford Web Works has partnered with tens of thousands of other small businesses to pool resources and offer you inexpensive hosting. In stead of spending tens of thousands of your business dollars on servers and thousands more on building a six lane highway to your site, let Rockford Web Works take care of that. It is a small fee to host your site with us.